Sunday, 6 March 2016

Margot pyjamas for my Mum x

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums out there.  My Mum is brilliant in more ways that I could possibly list here, but as this is a sewing blog, I'll focus on the inspiration she (and her Mum, my Grandma) have given me to make my own clothes.  My Grandma was an amazing seamstress and she taught my Mum to sew.  Grandma was the only person I knew who had a sewing room, and I kind of took it for granted that if I needed clothes altering, teddy bear's outfits making or new curtains, she would be on hand to make them.  I wish I had started sewing properly sooner (apart from a rubbish teenage attempt as a corduroy skirt), to ask her advice and draw on her incredible skills.   Mum is just as much of an inspiration - when we were little, she used to make matching party outfits for my sister and I and we could request pretty much any fancy dress outfit or costume for school plays and she would make them.  I think I always liked the idea of sewing (hence the attempt at the corduroy skirt) and she helped me when I asked her to, but I lost interest when it was too difficult and the skirt didn't make me look like the models in Just 17.

It is only in the last few years (after my Mum bought me my first machine a couple of Christmases ago) that I have really started sewing.  My expectations have been more realistic (I'm never going to look like a model, I'm 5'3" for starters!), and I have somehow learned to be patient along the way.  Since I have been sewing in earnest, my Mum has been my chief mentor and advisor.  Yes, I do consult YouTube, sewing magazines and books and have taken sewing classes, but nothing beats having your Mum at the end of the phone to ask questions to (or actually re-do whole sections of garments when I see her).

I bought some lovely sewing-themed cotton in the sale at John Lewis a few weeks ago with the plan to make some pyjama bottoms for Mum.  I made the Margot pyjama bottoms from Love at First Stitch for myself ages ago and they are my favourite pjs.  They are a really nice fit and super comfy.  I also made a paid for my sister the Christmas before last.  When cutting the fabric, I realised that I could fit both pattern pieces side-by-side in the size that Mum and I wear, so I managed to make two pairs - I can now match my Mum!  The fabric is perfect for two compulsive sewers:

I'm not with Mum today, so I couldn't get a pic of us both wearing them.  This is the pic she sent of her modelling them:

Here I am modelling mine, along with the Selfish Mother sweatshirt that my lovely kids bought me for Mother's Day - thanks Thomas and Polly xx

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